Via Albertini, 36 - 60131 Ancona | | +39 0712916357

102 - Starter motor Bosch 24 V


To be enabled to e-commerce and to be able to configure and download the 3D RENDER you need to make before the register.
If you already have an account, please LOGIN.

How to use filters in the table

Start typing a code or a measure in one of the search fields and then double-click or click + enter to filter the results in the table.

Reset your password

To request password enter the E-mail address provided during registration. The password will be sent to the E-mail provided.

Sign in to your account

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*You have 5 attempts, after which your account will be blocked. If you are unsure of the password immediately using the procedure of password recovery.
You entered a VAT already in use by another user.

Fill in the following fields to require users to register with the main site.

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